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Nursing the MindBody
with Jess

I know too well that taking care of yourself can be a challenge. That's why I'm here to help you pour from a full cup instead of an empty one. I specialize in helping caretaking individuals prioritize their own physical and mental health, so that they can be their best selves and continue to provide care to others. With my services, you can learn to better manage your stress, feel supported, and strengthen both your body and mind.



Hey Everyone! 

My name is Jess and I am honored you are taking the time to read my 'story'.

I am a wife, nurse and mother of two residing in the Northern Baltimore, MD area. I began my journey to become a yoga teacher in the fall of 2020. The year had been weighing heavily on my mental health and negatively impacting all aspects of my life. Feelings of overwhelming anxiety and frustration were becoming a regular thing. I was living in a world of fear during the pandemic and felt trapped wondering how to navigate it. In short, what I was doing wasn't working. I had to make a change. I had to take a good look at myself and question who I was. How could I better handle stress and conflict? What is missing? What brings me real joy? Who am I really meant to be?

What I discovered was that shortly after settling into the role of becoming a working mother...I felt feelings of part of indivduality....was missing. Completely in love with my family and so fortunate to have them, I still felt a bit conflicted about my personal path.

During the many lessons of 2020, Yoga became an oustretched hand, a healthy outlet. Yoga had been a love of mine for many years but now was the time to whole-heartedly commit.

Yoga has given me so much new knowledge, peace, and light. It gave me the breath of fresh air I needed, the kind I can't live without. I gained the tools to better myself so I can better serve others. Serving others, I believe, is exactly what I am meant to do. 

I am 200hr certified Yoga Instructor with certifications in Pain relief, Meditation and Yoga Nidra. I am currently working on my 500hr certification.

My hope is that your experience in my classes is more than just a physical workout. I hope that you experience the feeling of being powerful not only in your body but also your mind. I hope you walk away from my classes feeling free from negativity and ready to embrace whatever life brings you. I am looking forward to meeting you and creating a strong, supportive community; one in which we can all grow together.

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"Jess is an amazing instructor and provides such a calming presence for the group"
-Erin D.
"This workshop left me feeling rejuvenated in the mind, body and soul. Throughout the practice I was able to relax my entire body and mind and focus solely on myself"
-Amanda S.

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